Bullet GeneratorExamplesAir Force

Air Force

EPB Statement

Designed for the new EPB system, this format aims to create outputs close to 350 characters, focusing on the user’s achievements and their impact. While it sometimes goes over the 350-character limit, I’m working to make it fit better. This option is a great starting point but might need some tweaks by the user.

Example Input (Variation 2): I developed a web application that streamlines the creation of military performance reports.

Example Output: [rank/name] championed the creation of a game-changing web application; [he/she] transformed the military performance report creation process, resulting in a remarkable xx% reduction in processing time, an impressive xx% increase in accuracy, and a significant xx% improvement in personnel resource management. (Character Count: 310)

ALQ Statement

This format is made for the Air Force’s new ALQ-based review system. It creates statements that highlight an Airman’s actions related to the four Major Performance Areas (MPAs). It also suggests which MPA the output might fit best with. The goal is to keep outputs between 150-250 characters, but sometimes they might be longer.

Example Input (Variation 2): I developed a web application that streamlines the creation of military performance reports.

Example Output: By leveraging [his/her] technical skills and innovative thinking, [rank/name] designed and implemented a web application that revolutionized the creation of military performance reports, enhancing efficiency and productivity across the unit. (Improving the Unit) (Character Count: 241)

Narrative v2

This is the second version of a narrative style I made before getting more details on the new EPBs. It doesn’t use the user’s rank, name, or personal pronouns. The goal is for outputs to be between 200-300 characters. Keeping this option lets users see different styles and pick what they like best.

Example Input (Variation 2): I developed a web application that streamlines the creation of military performance reports.

Example Output: Created a user-friendly web application that revolutionized military performance report creation; decreased processing time by xx%, minimized errors by xx%, and empowered leaders with real-time data analytics, optimizing resource allocation and bolstering mission effectiveness. (Character Count: 278)

Narrative v1

This was the first version of the narrative style I made. Like the second version, it doesn’t use the user’s rank, name, or personal pronouns. Outputs aim to be between 200-300 characters. It’s another option for users to check out and compare.

Example Input (Variation 2): I developed a web application that streamlines the creation of military performance reports.

Example Output: Developed a cutting-edge web application that streamlined the creation of military performance reports, optimizing efficiency and saving countless man-hours. This innovative solution revolutionized the reporting process, enhancing accuracy and timeliness, and significantly improving the overall productivity of xxx personnel. (Character Count: 326)


This is the classic style we’re all familiar with. It takes user input and shortens it using abbreviations and shorthand, following the well-known impact-action-result format. Even though the Air Force is moving away from this style, there might still be times when it’s useful, so it’s still an option here.

Example Input (Variation 2): I developed a web application that streamlines the creation of military performance reports.

Example Output: Dev’d web app streamlining mil perf rpt creation; reduces time & effort—incr efficiency & accuracy of eval process (Character Count: 115)